mardi 2 octobre 2012

Do I need a therapist?

I don’t really know what to say anymore, My life is a real mess, a lot of ideas are haunting me. Maybe I need a therapist because maybe I have a psychological problem.

First , I’m feeling incredibly alone even if I have friends , I’m telling my self that I might need a guy in my life like a friend but I can’t leave it that way because in my mind and according to movies It always ends with love.

Second , I have this one special thing about me , I’m not sure I can call it special . I’ve never been loved my somebody and this is totally frustrating me the whole day . In university or even in the bathroom , sometimes I just start crying and telling my self what the hell is wrong with me . I’m nice with everyone and no one wants to be friend with me .  

I’ve been alone my whole life . I never had a true friend who understands me and everything . And I was used to it  , and every new year I was telling my self that I must change it , and It never happened. Now I’m a college  student and I’m screwed . At school I’m totally  laughing and having fun just to hide my sadness and It’s working but inside of me I’m always thinking why Am I doing this ? is it necessary to act in front of people? . But I just don’t know the answer .

NOW , the biggest problem I have is that everytime I have an eye contact with a boy I strangely thing that there’s something between us and maybe he will talk to me because he likes me, but inside of me I know that no of this will happen It’s just my imagination and a way  to make my self strong and handle this idea of not being alone.

There’s another thing , sometimes when a classmate wants to borrow a pen from me , he talks to me , I don’t know I feel like he wants to get to know me and I get so nervous . this idea is insane It’s pissing me off And I try to change it but I can’t .

Sometimes  in  mornings  I spend so much time choosing my clothes because I want to look nice in front of guys who actually (doesn’t give a damn about me) . And so I tell my self why would I do this things ? 

I never had a boyfriend and that sucks , god damn it I’m 18 . sometimes I just thing that I might want to be a prostitute ( not a real one ) . But I might  to a guy ( who I don’t know ) and whose only job is to kiss me and tell me nice words and who doesn't make  me feel like a piece of shit  . That’s an insane idea I know !!!!!

Anyways I’m not sure if it’s a psychological issue or not , please help me and especially about this idea of EYE CONTACT is it happening to you or Am I the only one ? this is so serious I’m crying right now while I’m writing because I’m badly hurt and damaged. THANK YOU.

2 commentaires:

  1. You don't have psychological problems, nor is there anything wrong with you.

    You are young and have a long life ahead of you.

    Don't worry about the future and the past, worry about the present and what makes you happy NOW. There will come a time when you meet a guy who will treat you nice, take care of you and love you for who you are.

    Your personality is wonderful, and I'm betting there are many people out there that are missing out on what a nice person you are.

    There is an old eastern philosophical quote that says: Do not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

    So, do things that make you happy and remember that you have a long life ahead of you. Patience is key.

    As for eye contact, it has to be for more than a few seconds, but that doesn't mean anything will happen.

    The guy has to make a move and talk to you.

    It will happen one day. I know it.

    1. Mike , that's very nice of you , thank you so much for commentting and saying this nice things . I'm feeling so much better right now and I'll take your advice don't worry , You didn't have to right this long comment but I appreciate . thank you again and I hope we can talk sooon !!!!
